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March 19, 2007


scott hamilton

Many of you will know that one of our international families experienced a dawn raid yesterday. The Waku's- Max and Didi and their three children Genuine (4), Grace (11) and Jay-Jay (16) are now being held at Dungavel with a view to deportation on Monday 26th March. They are in great fear of a return to the Congo as they fled their in fear of danger and arrest due to Didi's role in the national security service and Max's membership of the national oppositon party to the existing regime. For more info on the situation in the Congo the Amnesty International website has a profile of the Congo highlighting their concerns as recently published as last summer.

The story of Max and Didi and the family is featured briefly in the Herald today as part of a story in their news section on the Nepalese man who died because he set himself on fire in fear of return to his country of origin. Max and Didi have been in this country for five years and have established strong roots in our community. If you are willing it would be helpful if you could e-mail the journalist who wrote the article at- [email protected]

We are clearly keen to raise the profile with great urgency of this case and as part of the wider asylum advocacy that we want to undertake. please feel free to pass this as widely as possible, this is a great ooportunity to express our Christian fellowship with this family in need. If you need more info get in touch with me here.


This theological reflection is incredibly moving and profoundly apt today. Thanks, Stuart.

Please do contact Scott, The Herald or your own MP asap. We need to continue to let those in authority know how we feel. We are trying to get the constituency MP to move for a judicial review. Please pray.

If you are considering writing to your MSP, they can be sympathetic but have no real power as this is a reserved matter. Though they are likely to respond to you as they are facing an Important Event on the first Thursday in May.

scott hamilton

Just a quick e-mail to say that Max, Didi and the children successfully fought their removal from the UK. they will be able to progress a judicial review of their case and we hope to bail them out next week. Thank you for your prayers. Praise God.

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